Endless Frontier Labs (EFL), a program for early-stage science and technology-based startups at New York University Stern School of Business.
Sequential Skin joins the programme to extend their network to New York, and the US.
“Our mission is to bridge the gap between science and societal impact. We believe business strategy, validation by scientific peers, and connections to investors are essential for the successful commercialization of scientific breakthroughs. To that end, EFL provides founders access to an unparalleled network of business coaches, scientists, investors, and Stern MBA students to help transform their ideas into high-growth businesses. This year, even as the COVID-19 pandemic struck, several of our startups took on the challenge of combating health, diagnostic and disinformation issues related to the coronavirus, with the guidance of our mentors*,” said NYU Stern Professor Deepak Hegde, Founding Director of EFL.